How Much Electricity Does An Air Purifier Use?

Air purifiers are an excellent investment for any home. These devices can make things easier for a person with allergy issues.

Most importantly, they can help you to create a proper breathing environment at home.

But don’t you have to pay a hefty electricity bill to use them? How much electricity does an air purifier use?

The air purifiers consume an average of 81 kWh of electricity per day. That equates to an average of 294.93 kWh of energy per year. However, there are some devices that are power-hungry. For example, some specific models can consume 92 kWh of electricity per day.

So, what do these numbers translate to?

Do they mean that you will need to spend a lot of money on electricity bills to keep your home’s air clean? Continue reading to find out!

Do Air Purifiers Use a Lot of Electricity?

Air purifiers do not consume too much electricity. At least, compared to most of the other home appliances, they are not that power-hungry.

Generally, most air purifiers will have a power rating range of 40 watts to 200 watts. In comparison, the beefy models have a 100-watt rating.

Now, a general light bulb to illuminate the rooms of your home will have the same power rating, which is 100 watts.

So, if you compare the energy consumption level, air purifiers do not use a lot of electricity.

How Much Does It Cost to Run an Air Purifier?

Before getting an air purifier, you might want to know its running cost, right?

Well, the calculation is not that simple. On average, air purifiers will take 0.02 USD to 0.32 USD worth of electricity per day.

You need to understand some core principles before ending up with a number.

So, let’s not waste any more of your time and get into describing the factors that affect the power consumption of air purifiers.

Power Rating

On the label of the air purifiers, you will see a number. This number will have a “Watts” or “W” unit on the end. This number states how many watts the air purifier needs to work.

For example, if you have an air purifier that states 100 watts, it will need 100 watts of energy to operate.

Now, why does this number matter?

Well, the higher the power rating, the more electricity it will consume. And the more electricity it consumes, the more you need to pay to keep it running.

Energy Efficiency

At its core, energy efficiency states the ability of a device to run without needing to consume too much energy. Let’s give you an example to make things simple.

An energy-efficient air purifier with 100 watts will offer the same level of performance as a non-energy-efficient device with a 120 watts rating.

Although this does not directly relate to the electricity cost that the air purifiers require to run, it is important.

Energy-efficient devices give you more for less money. So, you will be better off with such devices than the ones that do not have any energy efficiency rating at all.

Power Saving Modes

Most air purifiers will have different operation modes. For example, there is a “Quiet” setting in some models. This mode lowers energy consumption.

Although the efficiency of air purification takes a hit, you will not need to worry about it if the air quality is moderate.

Nonetheless, for the power-saving modes, air purifiers can run without consuming the amount of energy they are rated for.

For example, if your air purifier has a 100 watts rating, in power saving mode, it can consume as less as 70 watts.

Cost of Energy in Your Area

The energy cost per unit is not the same for all areas. For example, California’s average residential energy cost is 0.31 USD per kWh.

On the other hand, the energy cost for NY is 0.25 USD per kWh.

Basically, the higher the energy cost per unit in your area, the more you need to spend on running the air purifier.

Do Dyson Air Purifiers Use a Lot of Electricity?

Dyson air purifiers do not consume a lot of energy. In fact, they are quite the opposite. Dyson usually designs highly power-efficient air purifiers.

And in comparison, depending on the model, Dyson air purifiers consume about 32% less electricity than any other air purifier that is out there.

So, if you are worried about high power consumption, you might want to go through the offerings of Dyson.

You will not only get a proper air purifier but also will end up with a device that will save energy.

How Much Does It Cost to Run Dyson Air Purifier?

Dyson air purifiers are one of the most power-efficient models out there. On average, running them will cost anywhere around 0.04 USD daily.

That is about 1.28 USD monthly. But what makes the Dyson air purifiers so efficient? Well, there are two major reasons –

Energy Star Certified

As we have established earlier, Dyson air purifiers take about 32 percent less energy to operate when compared to other air purifiers.

And the biggest reason why they are so energy efficient is that they are Energy Star Certified.

When a device has this certification, it means that the device is 25 percent more efficient than standard models.

Now, to get this certification, the device needs to meet or exceed the energy performance standards of the U.S EPA. And meeting those standards is not an easy task.

Clean Air Delivery Rate Per Watt

The CADR/W (Clean Air Delivery Rate Per Watt) rating is one of the important things for energy efficiency.

Basically, the CADR rating tells you how quickly an air purifier can remove pollutants from the air of the room. It also states how much energy the air purifier is using to reach that quickness.

So, the higher the CADR/W number, the better. Dyson air purifiers have a CADR rating of 70.

That means these devices can clean air through the room without consuming a high level of electricity to offer such a high CADR rate.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much does it cost to run an air purifier 24 /7?

On average, air purifiers cost between 0.02 USD and 0.32 USD per day. And the highest number in this range states the average cost of running the air purifier for 24 hours. So, in a month, you will be looking to spend around 9.6 USD, which is not bad at all!

2. What are the energy costs of air purifiers?

The energy cost will depend on how long you are keeping it on during the day. For example, if you keep it on through the entire day, you will be looking to spend around 0.32 USD each day. On the other hand, if you turn it on for a couple of hours, it can be as low as 0.02 USD per day.

3. How much does it cost to run a Levoit air purifier?

Levoit air purifiers consume anywhere from 15 watts to 55 watts. So, the cost of running an air purifier from Levoit will depend on which model you have. But generally, the Levoit air purifiers fall in the cost range that we mentioned earlier, which is 0.02 USD to 0.32 USD per day.

Read More: What Is A True HEPA Filter?

Final Words

To conclude, when it comes to how much electricity does an air purifier use?

It depends on the model. Some air purifiers are highly energy efficient, while some are not.

But generally speaking, air purifiers do not consume a lot of electricity. So, you do not have to worry about them increasing your electricity bill too much.

Last Updated on February 4, 2023

Richard Hicks

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